Tuesday, September 3, 2013


(A)  Introduction

The Campaign this year in Limbe, South West, Cameroon took a different dimension with the coming in to action of not only youths, but equally the participation of policy makers like some parliamentarians, traditional leaders and a few ministers who had the time to attend in person though some were represented.
Phase one of the project began with the signature of the agreement between the Cameroon Association of Media Professionals and the United Nations Development Programme
According to our approved proposal, in order to achieve one or more of the policy-practice Change objectives of the project we were supposed to carry out Mass Media sensitisation since they would be the key tool to achieve the objectives of the project.
Questionaires, IEC Materials on the MDGs were produced and circulated in the target region as well as other form of mass sensitisation campaigns through Newspapers, Radio Stations and TV stations engaged.
The media as an advocacy voice greatly helped the October event as enough sensitisation was done through local media organs for maximum outreach.
Phase one   of the project was  therefore mainly to carry out Sensitization and mobilization on key United Nations and other International days, as well as to organize pre rally in Various Divisions of the South West Region
The total amount of money that was disbursed for this phase of the project was USD 1000, which amounted to FCFA 460,000 and not FCFA 500.000.as expected.
This shortage we were told was as a result of the exchange rate at the time of deposit.

 (B)  Narrative Activity Report
Phase 1
(1)    World Press Freedom Day
Being the first in international day after we signed the contract, we decided to use May 1, world press freedom day to launch our activities.
As part of activities of the day, we organize talks on the four major community Radio stations in the South West Regions of Cameroon.
Journalists and development experts were invited as panelist and they discussed on the role of the journalist in the campaign.
We equally had lectures on the Eight Millennium Development Goals and asked the journalists present to include development reporting in their programs.
Still as part of the activities, we published stories on the level of Cameroon in the process of attaining the MDGs on the main English Language Newspaper in the South West that is Eden Newspaper.
At the end of the activities, the following results were recorded.
Ø 50 Journalists took the challenge to continue sensitizing their audiences on the need to hold government accountable for not engaging in activities that will advance the process of attaining the MDGs
Ø One Micro programme was produced and distributed to all the other Radio Stations
(2)    World Malaria Day
With the World Malaria Day which was celebrated on May 6, CAMP joined the ministry of public health through the Regional Delegation of the South West Region to organize a campaign on Malaria as a cause of Poverty
We took time to discuss with the government’s health representative to remind the president of the Harare declaration  of 1997 were world leaders promised  to reduce by halve the death toll caused by Malaria before 2010. 

Dr. Manjo Matilda Fon, the district Medical Officer for the Limbe Health District delivered a talk on the role government is playing to reduce the cost of treating and preventing malaria as a means to reduce poverty
During her talk she mentioned that In Cameroon, people are so poor that they cannot afford the least cost in combating malaria.
The mini workshop involved, representatives of the ministry of health, private health institutions and civil society organizations working in the domain of Poverty alleviation and health.
The following results were recorded in this campaign
Ø A letter was sent to the Minister of Public Health through the Regional Representative to remind the government of the Harare Declaration.
Ø Health Experts declared to increase their pressure to half the Malaria death Toll.
Ø Civil society organization leaders promised to carry out sensitization workshops and environmental campaigns
Ø  All actors understood the relationship between Malaria and Poverty.


(1)    International Day of the Family-Pre Rallies

Another major event which we took advantage in sensitisation was the international day of the Family, May 15.
As the basic unit of the society, we thought it wise to take our message to the families and lobby.
From the 15th to the 21st of May, we organized pre rallies in all the 7 divisions of the South West region.
This was a mobilization technique to rally the base of those whom will have to take part in the Stand Up Event
In house sensitization was carried out by our staff and some volunteers in all the Divisions that make up our target.
At the end a total of the pre rallies,
Ø 100 families were committed to be involved in the process.
Ø 3500 Youths pledge to stand Up and take action against poverty
Ø All 3500 youth received books with the Stand Up Logo and documentation materials on the UNMC and its objectives produced by CAMP
Ø Five Poverty Free Youth Leaders were elected by their communities to follow up and attend planning meetings prior to the stand up event
Ø The Minister of Women Empowerment and the Family was also sent a memo to commit her ministry towards the attainment of the goals which are linked to her ministry, such as improving maternal health and reducing child mortality.
Ø Four Ministers accepted to stand Up and Take Action though at the end a majority of them were represented.

(C)  Narrative Activity Report
Phase 2
Phase 2 of the project was the stand up proper which was to take place between the 16 and 18 of October 2009.
This was effectively launched in Limbe Cameroon by the Divisional Delegate of Youth Affairs Ikombe Mbua Isaac and the Parliamentarians of the South West Region on the 25th of September at the Cameroon Association of Media Professionals head office, with a press conference to brief the media on the campaign.
After the press conference, we engaged in Radio forum discussions on all the local and community radio stations in the target region.
The panel discussions included representatives of the civil society organisations and representatives of parliament.
The major issue was to hold policy makers accountable to the population through the civil society actors.
The selection of youth representatives in the target region followed the radio panel discussions as CAMPERS had to move to all the sub divisions of the region to sensitize them on the campaign and to select representatives who would be responsible to coordinate the other participants of the region.
Stand Up
Day 1
Day one of the campaign was observed on Saturday the 17th of October. The main activity, that is the stand up and March past that was previewed could not take place as planned due to the heavy rains that fell. The March past and stand Up was shifted to the 18th
Therefore, the participants used the first day of the campaign to listen to a talk on Media Legislation and the MDG’s.
articipants included, the parliamentarians, youths and representatives of concerned ministries.

Day 2
The rain made way for the second day at all participants gathered at the Manga Williams Avenue, where the march past began.
At the end of the march past, we decided to visit A Tree Nursery Project Site for the African Center For Research Development and Climate Change, AFREDECC.
The main idea was for participants to have a practical look at the effects of climate change and how tree nurseries could be used to Ensure Environmental Sustainability, MDG 7
After the visit, we re converged  and all the participants were asked to Stand Up and lift their handkerchiefs up, while the pledge was read and all the participants repeated the pledge in one accord.
The pledge sheet was filled by the participants and signed, copies were kept in pour office and others sent to the concerned ministries, parliamentarian’s local administrative officials

(D)    Results Obtained
       3500 youths were drilled on all the eight MDG’s
       3515 persons stood up, comprising, 15 parliamentarians and 3500 young persons
       At least 7000 youths benefited indirectly trough the ripple tank and multiplier effect plan that the sensitised youths have learnt.
       Media practitioners  are beginning to constitute a strong force  for lobbying
       Civil society organisations are now interested to hold policy makers accountable through budget monitoring which is also responsible for the present status of the Goals in the region
ore impact has been created on the government to favour policies that target the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals through youth support programs towards poverty alleviation. 

   (E) Conclusion

Generally speaking, with barely six years to go, we of the Cameroon Association of Media Professionals are very optimistic that the campaign is gaining some grounds in Cameroon.
The United Nations Development Program, Office in Yaounde Cameroon, is equally sparing no effort to make sure that when we are taking stock in 2015, we would all be happy for fighting a good fight and finishing the race.
The situation of the poverty and other indicators of underdevelopment in Cameroon could be similar to other African Countries, but the perception of the population has to be reexamined in this last six years of the Campaign
Cameroon has a total of 180 parliamentarians and more than 1000 local council authorities who are decision makers.
All these people must pledge to be MDG’s oriented in their policies so that while the population is mobilizing, they would be responding.

Sally Mokake                                                                Tarhyang Enowbikah Tabe
Project Manager                                                            

National President

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